St. Catharine's Centre
St. Catharine's Centre is next to St. Catharine's Church in George Street Blairgowrie, with its own entrance. It is a great community resource with excellent facilities; the main hall and two small meeting rooms are all available to hire individually. The hall is used by various organisations and individuals for activities as diverse as coffee mornings, community lunches, yoga classes, exhibitions and formal meetings.
The Library in St Catharine's Centre has a good selection of books, Bibles, history, biography, theology, devotional and Lent studies. All can be borrowed by anyone using the Cntre.
The main hall, up-to-date kitchen and full toilet facilities, including a toilet accessible for the disabled, are all on the ground floor. Upstairs, accessible by a lift as well as stairs, are the two meeting rooms and a third room.
Both the hall and meeting rooms are fully carpeted which we feel gives us an advantage, being warmer and more inviting, than other halls with hard floors.
Please contact Julie Sinclair, the Centre coordinator, if you are interested in hiring the main hall or meeting rooms in the Centre. Her usual working hours are Monday to Wednesday 9am - 1pm.
Office phone number: 01250-874583