As a linked group of four congregations, several activities take place which cross the boundaries of our individual churches and are open to members of all four churches. The activities and groups listed below are ongoing year-round, but we also have groups which run for a limited time period, e.g. Lent and Advent discussion groups. Our weekly pew leaflet covers activities in all our churches and keeps us in contact with each other.
Meditation Group
A small group representing all our congregations meets fortnightly for silent, prayerful meditation. Meetings take place in members’ houses. Details of meetings are included in the weekly pew leaflet.
Messy Church
Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others based around welcome, crafts and art, celebration and eating together. We hold Messy Church several times a year in St Anne’s church hall, generally once during each school holiday. Dates and times of Messy Church are included in the weekly pew leaflet as and when they are planned.
Mothers' Union
Our local Mothers’ Union Fellowship meets monthly, mainly in St Catharine’s Centre, with a varied programme of prayer, study and fellowship. We are exploring the new MULOA initiative (MU - Listening - Observing – Acting) and take part in other local and national MU activities. Details of our meetings are included in the weekly pew leaflet.
The MU collects toiletries to ake up emergency toiletry bags for the Cottage Hospital and Womens Aid. These are valued by people who are in hospital for a long time, and by abused women who may have nothing but the clothes they are wearing.
Bible Reading Fellowship
This group meets once a month in a member’s home. Most members take the BRF book Daily Light which comes out three times a year and has commentaries based on Bible readings. There is an informal discussion on those which seem pertinent. A friendly and prayerful group, anyone can join. More info from Charmian Paterson 07721 038 750
The EPACTS group of churches has been renamed the CHURCHES TOGETHER GROUP. Churches Together is a group of about fourteen churches in this area. The ABC churches are active members of Churches Together, participating in a wide range of activities. Every Christmas the ABC churches provide hampers through Churches Together to families identified by Social Work to enable them to put on a Christmas dinner. We also provide gifts at Easter